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Mariske Strauss recovering from Covid-19

Writer: dirtyheartdirtyheart

Mariske Strauss COVID-19

Mariske Strauss, Team Rider (South-Africa) : “The president of South Africa asked all South African people that went outside of the country as of February 15, to test for Covid-19. Since I travelled to Andalucia Bike Race, that took place 25 to 29 February, obviously I was asked to test as well. After a couple of days after the testing , I felt a little flu-ish and ill. And yes, actually I tested positive for the Corona virus. With the grace of God I have had really mild symptoms, so very fortunate and blessed with that. I have kept social distancing, adhered to all the guidelines that was given to us anyway, regardles and thanks to that my parents and brother tested negative for the virus, so that is good. I have taken a lot of rest, healthy food and surrounded myself with positive things. Messages from my family, friends and yes, my team with our virtual dinner last week helped me so much to get over this. I am feeling fine now.“ Mariske wanted to share this news with all of her followers, especially her South African followers to motivate them to stay inside. South Africa is currently in its 5th day of a 21-day-period lockdown. She says " This is a real thing, it is here, it is a real issue that we are dealing with, and adhere to the guidelines given to you by our president and the healthcare professionals. They know what they are talking about. Together we can stop this. ” Bart Brentjens, Team Manager : "We are happy that Mariske only had mild symptoms and she is feeling good now. The health of our riders and staff is our Team’s priority number one. The situation worldwide at this moment is unusual and uncertain. Also for our Team, our riders and staff. We do what we can to protect others and ourselves from Covid-19 and to keep our riders and staff motivated and healthy. We try to stimulate our followers to take care for their health, mentally and physically. To stimulate and motivate them to keep a healthy lifestyle, within the guidelines given by the government. Let’s hope this worldwide crisis will be under control soon. As Mariske said: Together we can stop this!"



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