If you haven't heard about the "ILoveBoobies" campaign or seen a runner /cyclist or fitness junkie wearing an awesome pair of socks made by them, you must be hiding under a rock or spending too much time on Zwift in the comfort of your own home.
ILoveBoobies is a non-profit company that raises funds by selling socks, designed and manufactured in South Africa, as well as by receiving donations. The funds raised, help to send Mobile Health Screening Clinics to rural communities in South Africa where women are screened for and educated about Breast Cancer.

The project allows rural South Africans access to mobile health screening clinics across social, physical and economic barriers. As cyclists we know how important it is to have your sock game on point, and Iloveboobies have got you covered with their awesome range.
ILoveBoobies raises funds by receiving donations and selling sports fashion apparel online. Our joint venture fund raising programme with Cancer Association of South Africa sends Mobile Health Screening Clinics into the remote areas of South Africa.
Our program includes:
Increasing geographic access to medical care
Increasing the number of women screened for Breast Cancer in South Africa
Educating women about the benefits of living a healthy life
Demonstrating self- breast examinations.
Since inception ILoveBoobies has sold over 15 000 pairs of socks
Assisted the Cancer Association of South Africa to perform over 11 900 breast examinations in the 2017 financial year.
Save the date Friday 11 October 2019 is National ILoveBoobies Day, this is where each and everyone of us can make a difference without leaving our desks.
Its aimed at businesses, clubs, schools, groups that would like to do a Corporate Social Responsibility Programme for Breast Cancer month.
Each person pays R30 (the price of a cup of coffee) (and if they can get the company to match the employee’s donation even better) they will send them stickers to wear on the day. Companies have a casual day at work, dress in pink, have a braai or eat cupcakes etc. - imagine your MD or CEO in Pink socks!

This is their second anniversary, last year they raised R25000 on National ILoveBoobies Day. Help them to smash that record out of the park. Iloveboobies have signed up a Girls Primary School in Rondebosch to increase awareness. The girls will be given a talk, encouraged to buy a pair of socks and they will decorate the school in pink and also wear pink. This is very special, making the girls aware at a young age will drastically reduce their risks. Having the school on board for this campaign is a huge honour for lloveboobies.
ILoveBoobies is screening 300 women in Rawsonville, Wellington & Klipheuwel in October, it costs R250 per screening. Help them to achieve this by supporting the movement.
Please make a donation to ILoveBoobies ZA NPC: https://www.givengain.com/c/iloveboobiesza/
Wear a little pink, shop online now: https://www.iloveboobies.co.za/