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Dirtyheart MTB

Oct 1, 2019
Getting the Hips Strong Makes for Better Cycling
The hips are one of those body parts that most of us don't really think about until they're bothering us. When you hit the gym,...

Feb 1, 2018
Start with these 5 skills every rider should learn.
Mountain biking can take you places you would never ordinarily have been, but it also has the tendency to put you in situations you would...

Feb 1, 2018
How mountain biking makes us smarter.
Forget Countdown, crosswords and quizzes; all we need to do is ride. Improved spatial memory, thinking skills, attention and decision...

Feb 1, 2018
NEW TO RIDING? 10 Not-So-Obvious Tips that Every Beginner Mountain Biker Needs to Know
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I was a fortunate beginner mountain biker. I had a great teacher: he was patient and willing...

Feb 1, 2018
Monday Motivation: A Repeated Cycle of Self-Sabotage
"But I do nothing upon myself, and yet I am my own executioner." ~ John Donne Have you ever wanted something so badly, for so long,...

Feb 1, 2018
STRONG is the new SEXY - Using strength to become a better rider.
As a personal trainer and triathlete, I train a variety of people; from those wanting to lose weight, those that want to tone and reshape...

Feb 1, 2018
New Cycling Pedals May Help Kneecap Burnout?
Here are some excerpts from a blog post written by a doctor after seeing his patient's results from using the Catalyst Pedals: "If you...

Feb 1, 2018
Women aren't small men: Myth busting female sports performance.
Women aren't small men. University of Waikato Research Fellow Dr Stacy Sims dispels some of the myths about female sports performance....

Feb 1, 2018
Literally - Don't Fall Over...
The yoga class I attended yesterday included a number of balance posts, from simple tree pose to a “floating” ardha chandrasana. I am not...

Jan 11, 2018
Your Hips Don't Lie
When you’re out on your favourite trail or competing in a race, your success depends a lot on BALANCE. The better balanced you are, the...
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